27th March 2015
150329 – Bill Ammells – Paranormal Investigation Tools
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My name is Bill Ammells and I am the Tech Director for Essex County Ghost Project I have been doing paranormal investigation for the last 8 years with 3 other teams before i joined up with Essex County Ghost Project I am also Toms Co-host for the Essex County Ghost Project paranormal community tv show.I have my own Tech Equipment that i have purchased for paranormal investigattions.I have a Science understanding with the following
Unified Field Theory Special Theory of Relativity General Theory of Relativity Particle Physics Quantum Mechanics Chemistry String Theory
I AM 100% SCIENTIFIC, I rely on my experience and scientific equipment on investigations, not on psychic realms. Quantum Theory will give us most of the answers,but not all, on the paranormal. SCIENTIFIC INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING DOMAINS DEMONS ELEMENTALS NASTY SPIRITS SHADOW PEOPLE GHOST POLTERGEIST PARANORMAL HAUNTINGS (DEMONIC GHOST POLTERGEIST)
I am also in touch with 2 paranormal scientist, only by email with one of the scientist, the other scientist i am in touch with by email, cell phone, and meeting him in Salem MA. The Scientist in Salem MA makes his own equipment which you cannot buy from any store. I also do experiments with the paranormal Scientist in Salem MA at his house.
The Scientist in Salem MA has a Bachelors Degree in Electronic Medical
If you would like to get in touch with me for questions or what ever, my email is phiber6@yahoo.com