4th June 2015
150607 – Jim Nichols – THE ALDEBARAN MYSTERY
Archive on Youtube
Today’s show will be most interesting and very deep, concerning some of the biggest questions of the last 70 years. We will be going further than either of us have gone before. Ever Beyond…
Born in 1948, Jim Nichols spent the first twenty years of his life growing up in Ohio where, by his senior year of high school, Jim discovered he possessed an innate ambition to become an artist.
To pursue this interest, Jim enrolled for a Bachelor of Fine Arts program at Bowling Green State University in 1967, but unfortunately this schooling was interrupted in 1969 by the military draft. Jim resettled in Tucson, Arizona in 1972, where he resumed his interest in art and made something of a name for himself over the next eight years painting southwestern landscapes.
In 1980, his association with a world renowned UFO researcher, Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.), inspired Jim to launch into serious UFO illustrations, producing an extraordinary body of work that has since been published internationally in magazines, articles, books and the internet. His art was routinely featured on The History Channel’s UFO Hunters. As well, the notoriety he gained as a UFO artist earned him a co-host seat on a weekly, Tucson Public Access Television program entitled UFOAZ Talks. This popular award winning program ran from 1991 through 1997, and was aired across the country.
After more than thirty years of UFO research, Jim has become a prolific writer, posting 15 BLOG essays on his web site, examining the political and social impact of a possible extra-terrestrial reality. More recently Jim has devoted his creativity to producing numerous video documentaries based on his blog essays. One of which entitled, The Aldebaran Mystery earned two EBE-Awards at 2010’s International UFO Conference in Laughlin, Nevada.
This production as well as 8 more of Jim’s UFO related video essays are now presented by UFOTV on YouTube.
His latest production is:
Ancient Alien Mystery – Rise of the Anunnaki
[Atlantis Rising]
which is a follow-up production to…
Aeon of Horus: The Occult History of NASA [UFOTV Youtube]
These presentations can be either viewed on UFOTV Youtube or read as blogs on Jim’s website: http://thewebmatrix.net/jimnicholsufo/
Books: Case Files Revealed and Persistence of Memory available at: Lulu.com