13th July 2015
150713 – JWJP – Karen Christine Patrick
Mars Anomalies, Lunar Anomalies.. lies lies lies.. NASA (Never A Straight Answer) Karen is here to sort out the truth from the lies.. Join us at 5pm PST at www.wolfspiritradio.com/listen
Karen Christine Patrick is a researcher and writer, living in Texas, working in the areas of the experiencer phenomenon, exopolitics, anomaly and consciousness studies. She is a social media consultant to the group the “Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters” Karen acts as an administrator for that organization’s group on Facebook. Also, she’s the founding admin for the Earth Anomaly Research Society facebook group. She is a co-author with Bret Colin Sheppard of the ebook “Paradimensional Space Art” a book about embedded ET communication in space agency images. Also, she is an experiencer herself and contactee and has just published an ebook of downloaded, encoded poetry called, “Thought Equals Matter.”
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Karen was in recruitment through the California Public Schools in the 1960’s during the cold war when they were looking for psychic children through the gifted and talented programs to use in remote viewing programs. A divine intervention prevented a kidnap attempt and the family moved to Oregon. During her life, Karen received downloads throughout her life of information pertaining to planetary events, however, she did not understand those messages until, starting in 2009 the personal journaling practice changed into automatic writing and she made contact with other worldly beings, receiving messages.
Karen’s recent work is with the Experiencer Movement, where the millions of people who’ve seen UFO’s, or been contactees or abductees are seeking mutual support and finding their collective voice. She’s working with Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s FREE group helping with various projects like Experiencer Liberation Day, where experiencers are encouraged to meet and share openly with each other and educate the public.
Also, because of the threat of economic peril due to the social stigma of being an experiencer, Karen supports the Basic Income Guarantee as a way to re-vitalize the global economy and support individual experience. She has just started a facebook group, “The Fringe for B.I.G.”
Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters F.R.E.E. http://experiencer.org
Facebook group F.R.E.E. Experiencers page https://www.facebook.com/ groups/FREE.Experiencers/
Facebook group for the Earth Anomaly Research Society https://www.facebook.com/ groups/ earthanomalyresearchsociety/
Facebook group “The Fringe for B.I.G” Basic Income Guarantee https://www.facebook.com/ groups/TheFringeForBIG/
Ebook “Thought Equals Matter” by Karen Christine Patrick https://gumroad.com/l/cknbs
Paradimensional Space Art book https://gumroad.com/l/cknbs
Poetry book http://tinyurl.com/thoughtequals
A video series we did that we might redo as a full scale documentary with new information discovered…
ALL HAIL, APOLLO! Lament of Daedalus
ALL HAIL, APOLLO! Theseus, Hero of Athens – Part 1 of 3
ALL HAIL, APOLLO! Theseus, Hero of Athens – Part 2 of 3
ALL HAIL, APOLLO! Theseus, Hero of Athens – Part 3 of 3
– See more at: http://aquarianradio.com/2015/06/27/karen-christine-patrick-062715-aquarian-radio/#sthash.1nrvWy0a.dpuf