19th September 2015
150921 – Darryl Berry – Out of the Body Experiencer
My guest tonight is Darryl E Berry Jr, whose out of body experiences have brought him a vast wealth of insights and understanding. join us as Darryl shares some of that wisdom.
In his own words:
My name is Darryl E Berry Jr. I’ve been a long time practitioner, researcher, and observer of all things metaphysical, mystical, and cutting edge, including the out-of-body experience or astral travel, extraterrestrial life, consciousness development, channeling, telepathy, spirituality especially purely non-dualistic thought such as A Course in Miracles, as well as fourth-density thought.
I started to astral travel spontaneously at about 4 or 5 years old, and since then I’ve become an expert on the subject. Through the decades via the out-of-body experience I have met the deceased, interacted with extraterrestrials, traveled through time, traversed outer space, glimpsed the nonphysical substructure of the universe, and interacted with spiritual beings.
I’m publishing books and building a Center called Next DensityTM, through which to share what I’ve learned (and am learning), to help facilitate the progress of the human race. My first book, Travel Far: A Beginner’s Guide to the Out-of-Body Experience, Including First-Hand Accounts and Comprehensive Theory and Methods, is available now through Amazon, or at the Next Density Web Store. It shares dozens of my out-of-body experience first-hand accounts, as well as comprehensive techniques and methods that anyone can use to generate the experience themselves.
My upcoming books will forward and consolidate information on personal transformation and internal progress, providing perspectives and practices for personal development that we can be ready for a new and unified world of peace and freedom. One is entitled Classes on A Course in Miracles, containing transcripts of classes I’ve taught on the subject, including question and answers, and expounding upon pure non-dualism and its application in everyday life. Also is a book entitled Next Density: Metamorphosis into Fourth Density Being; Personal Transformation for the New Age.
I am also compiling my information, experience, and research towards strategies for the development and promotion of open, conscious contact with our visitors from the stars, in a book entitled Exo-Communications that will detail my current and ongoing extraterrestrial contact experiences and efforts, and practical techniques in this regard (2015/2016).
I’m currently seeking volunteers who would like to participate in an ET contact research study with me.
I can be contacted at www.darryleberryjr.com or www.nextdensity.com.
Darryl E Berry Jr Founder and CEO of Next Density™ Author of Travel Far: A Beginner’s Guide to the Out-of-Body Experience, Including First-Hand Accounts and Comprehensive Theory and Methods